Energy Loss

Many different things can cause the body to lose vital energy. Lack of adequate sleep, stress, toxicity, low frequency vibration, negative, judgmental or demanding people, and saying, “Yes” when you really want to say, “No” can cause the body to become weakened.

Chronic conditions are depleting to the body’s energy system, whether it is chronic pain, fatigue, illness, hormonal imbalance or emotional state. All of these types of issues deplete the vital resources needed for healthy body function.

Energetic blocks causing a disruption of blood flow, nerve flow, oxygen and nutrients can quickly deplete the energy stores, leaving a body weak and defenseless against illness and injury.

Food additives are loaded with neurotoxins and chemical compounds that poison the body at the level of the cells. Pollutants in the water wreak havoc on the body because, instead of helping the body to cleanse the garbage, it too, becomes part of the garbage to be cleaned.

Negative, judgmental people can suck the life right out of you in a fraction of a second. The frequency within their energy field is very low thereby overshadowing your energy field’s frequency and depleting its vibrational strength.

Light-wave frequency treatment with pulse synchronization and Biomagnetic detoxification can quickly and effortlessly restore your youthful vigor and vitality. The medicinal compounds for energy are very high vibration and can have an immediate effect. If the depletion is caused from inadequate sleep, the serenity sleep formulas are potent yet gentle and will aid in deep restful sleep.

It all comes down to being true to yourself, taking care of your needs and living life on your own terms. Let everyone else take care of themselves.

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