
30 Years ago very few people had severe allergies.  Today it is rare to find a person who does not have allergies of one kind or another.  This is as true for children as it is for adults…even our pets have allergies.

Our bodies have sophisticated built-in repair programs which when overloaded begin to fail.  Many people in our culture spend most of their time in a state of stress.  This causes a chain reaction which sets off a series of responses in the body.

First, the fight or flight system kicks in. The available energy resources are redirected to deal with the impending danger or problem.  Energy levels in the other systems are depleted. Fatigue and weakness ensues. The body’s ability to tolerate and metabolize environmental toxins, food additives, chemical compounds and stress is significantly reduced.  When the body has too many things on the repair list, all of the sophisticated systems are thrown into chaos.

By reducing stress on the sympathetic nervous system and detoxifying the body, order can be restored.  Biomagnetic detoxification, pulse diagnosis and repair, and the light-wave frequency stimulation treatment are recommended along with Allergy Relief formula.

Catalytic diffusion using Cold, Flu and Virus Relief and Allergy Relief Fuels will sterilize the environment.

Far Infrared and lymphatic cleansing can also be used to cleanse the body.

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