Pulse Therapy and diagnosis

Remove stress from your electrical system

Pulse testing therapy is an accurate diagnostic and repair approach. The pulse test identifies when a particular meridian (the system which delivers energy to the organs in the body} has significant amounts of  stress or “over energy” running through the circuits.  By applying the repair technique which clears the circuits, the energy flow is restored.

This treatment allows a practitioner the ability to quickly diagnose the condition of the circuit and repair the circuits in a single visit.  There is no longer a need to drive all over town, getting lab tests, waiting for test results…  After doing the treatment the test is given again to insure all repairs were complete.  It is a very efficient way to treat the patient’s root cause of illness or dis-ease.

This gentle painless treatment restores harmony in the body systems.  Weakness, stress, illness and pain are indicators that the body’s systems are in a state of disharmony.  In cases of chronic pain the body has often learned a stress pattern.  This treatment in combination with the Pain eliminating treatments and Biomagnetics teaches the body a new healthy pattern very quickly.  This is true of chronic illness patterns as well.

More about Meridians and how it works;

An understanding of how the vital systems within the body create and maintain energy flow is essential to restoring health and well being.  Energy moves through the body in very specific patterns. It is most easily explained using the Meridian structure of Ancient Chinese Medicine that was discovered more than 5,000 years ago. The explanation describes the body’s  multiple built-in programs to maintain itself.

One of these programs is the maintenance system which works very differently than the system needed when the body enters  a state of extreme stress or an even different state, the one of extreme weakness.  Each repair strategy  moves and manipulates energy through the body differently based on what condition the body is in.

According to the ancients, each organ and system has a 2 hour repair cycle at a given time of the day.  In some parts of the world where these cycles are understood, a patient may be checked into a hospital to receive treatment if the organ’s repair cycle time happens to be in the middle of the night.  That is because the treatment is 400 times more effective in restoring strength and order during the 2 hour repair cycle time.

Over 5,000 years ago, the ancient Chinese discovered a subtle energy in the body.  Energy disturbances in this subtle energy in the bodies precede the manifestation of illness. The abnormal energetic patterns create substantial changes in the cellular organization and growth patterns. Vital force within the body is dependent on harmonious integrated organization that repairs as needed maintaining homeostasis.

The meridian control structures that maintain, repair and reorganize for optimal performance is brilliant.  Normal energy flow within the meridians runs in a specific pattern.  This is the maintenance flow pattern which runs clockwise strengthening each meridian along the path both yin and yang. Each meridian and organ when strengthened, then sends additional energy to the next meridian system in line.

Much like passing the baton in a long distance race from one runner to the next, each meridian and organ has a 2 hour period within the 24 hour cycle when it is being strengthened and restored to balance.  At the end of that 2 hour cycle, energy is sent on to the next meridian and organ to be strengthened.  This is an example of the maintenance cycle.

When the body has stress running in the meridians; known as “over energy” the energetic flow cycle needed to make the repair is very different.  The repair cycle begins by restoring balance to the organs and systems of an energetic “yin” nature.  Depending on the meridians that have the stress or “over energy” pattern running as well as the presenting symptoms, the choice of where to begin the repair cycle.  The direction of the repair cycle runs in a special unique pattern as opposed to the circular pattern of the maintenance cycle.  When all yin organs have been restored to a state of harmony, the energetic flow pattern changes direction and flows in a different directional pattern restoring yang organs systematically. The precision and speed of this amazing therapy re-trains the body’s energetic systems with ease.

When weakness within a system occurs the pattern needed to repair is directionally different yet.  Many factors play into the choice of which repair cycle to use.  Presenting symptoms, emotional state, energetic habit patterns etc. The comprehensive nature of this multidimensional treatment system creates psychological and physiological coherence and autonomic balance within the body.

The fourteen main acupuncture meridians along which this energy travels in the human body are like the copper traces on an electronic circuit board used to optimize human performance and well being.  Until now many  scientists believed that nerve pathways were the vehicle by which acupuncture worked.   Meridians  pathways carry information and energy directly to the organ, system or the life function governed by that meridian.  These systems are part of the brain-body communication structure by which various processes in the body are communicated while bring life-giving nourishment of  subtle energy.

Meridians connect specific organizational systems, teeth, organs and tissues in the body. This information flow has been  measured and documented by today’s most recent scientific technology. Some of these methods include  electronics, thermal and radioactivity testing.

Normal skin resistance over a healthy acupuncture point is 100,000 Ohms.  Highly trained acupuncturists can feel these pulses.  Acupuncture points have unique electro-magnetic characteristics.  The electromagnetic energy provides and maintain coherence within the physical-cellular structure. Therefore when disturbances in the flow or energetic structure occur weakness, illness and premature aging ensues.

Unlike the process by which an acupuncturist tests, we use a very precise procedure  for testing the energetic levels or patterns running within each meridian. This technique allows quick, accurate “in the moment” testing and repair capabilities. Each meridian has a specific directional flow pattern which is part of a grander scale communication system between the meridian inter-connectivity overall.

For example, the spleen meridian begins at the big toe traveling upward on the body toward the liver, when reaching the liver the direction changes and goes to the side turning downward and ending at the waistline.  The lung meridian on the other hand begins on the upper portion of the body at the chest moving upward toward the shoulder and turning downward along the inside of the arm in the pathway directly in line with the thumb and ending at the tip of the thumb. These acupuncture points  can be located by hand,  micro-electrical voltage meters and with applied kinesiology also known as energy testing or muscle testing.

See Biomagnetics for the auricular treatment (treatment applied to the ear), another version of a gentle effortless way to health and well being.

For practitioners wanting to train in this therapy email… doctors@vitalfrequency.com

For an appointment email… sessions@vitalfrequency.com




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Bio-molecular Clearing

Bio-molecular Clearing : The power to run your own brain…Whenever you feel stuck in an old pattern, confused about what you want or what to do next with your life, you now have a new option. Bio-molecular Clearing is a process that directly accesses the information filed in the brain. It is an accurate rapid investigative search to determine how your brain has filed, or usually misfiled vital information.

The unconscious mind and nervous system records everything you have ever experienced. The information is sorted and filed according to what the person observes at that exact moment in time.  When we are young we observe and learn very rapidly, especially in the formative years.  Our brains process everything in the context that we see it.

During those early years we don’t have the wisdom and understanding that we acquire with maturity. We probably would not like to have a 4 year old manage our 401K, choose our business strategies or even our mate. But, so much of what keeps us stuck is based on the observations of a child in their formative years.

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Mineral-Gemstone frequency therapy

Inherent frequency properties of minerals, tektites (meteor fragments), crystals and fossils can be transmitted to the oscillating frequency patterns of each organ in the body.  Having the mineral in close proximity to the body allows transmission of the energy signal to occur naturally.  The body is a transceiver, as it acts both as a transmitter and receiver.

In cases of severe  exhaustion, ill health or energy depletion, continued exposure to the frequency may be required to restore vitality and full function to the organs. A practitioner can place multiple minerals or gemstones strategically on the body, simultaneously sending the necessary frequencies to all of the weakened systems.

By combining this treatment with Lightwave Frequency Stimulation the repair time is shortened immensely. Complete restoration usually occurs within minutes. Full restoration can be verified through testing with applied kinesiology and other Energy Medicine techniques. This allows practitioners to restore vital energy levels for their patients immediately.

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Far infrared

Far Infrared therapy is used as an additional treatment that speeds the detoxification process and the repair of injuries, however the results from clinical trials and tests around the globe show more added benefits. Below I have listed some of those studies and their results for information sake.  I hope you find it informative and helpful.

Far Infrared therapy increases blood circulation and oxygen supply to damaged tissues (aiding reduction of chronic joint and muscle pain or sport injuries), promotes relaxation and comfort, induces sleep and relieves stress.


German medical researchers concluded one session of far infrared therapy for over 1 hour can have significant reduction of blood pressure thanks to a persistent peripheral vessels dilation. They also noted that blood viscosity was improved. After 1 hour of far infrared radiance, there is a significant decrease of blood pressure – cardiac ejection resistance – total peripheral resistance –  and significant increase of heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output, and ejection fraction. Toxic accumulation is a root cause behind most physical challenges,
including the aging process and diseases such as cancer.

Far Infrared is thought to be 7 times more effective at detoxifying heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum,and even cholesterol’s, nicotine, alcohol, ammonia, sulfuric acid and other environmental toxins, as opposed to conventional heat or steam saunas.

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Brainwave Entrainment

Brainwave Entrainment: NASA has used sophisticated entrainment frequencies in the Astronaut Training Programs for many years. There are four common brainwave pattern categories.  Each of these brainwave patterns are associated with specific states and serve important functions.

By altering the brainwave states one can improve brain function, memory, reduce stress, alter heart-rate, resolve unconscious problems or inner conflicts. By aligning your brainwave frequencies with the outcome you prefer…change is inherent.

Our brains produce electrical charges which create rhythms. These rhythms can be seen with an electroencephalograph (EEG). The four common brainwave pattern categories are beta, alpha, theta and delta.  Each of these brainwave patterns are associated with specific states and serve multiple important functions which effect our health and quality of life..

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Are drugs making you sick?

Currently, there is a great deal of controversy surrounding traditional medications.  Reports of life-threatening and even fatal reactions to highly marketed drugs, are causing people to search for safe and effective ways to relieve their symptoms.  Essential oils were the medicines of hundreds of years ago.  In fact, they have been used since Biblical times in treating disease.
The therapeutic-grade compound formulas are comprised of (medicinal strength) essential oils.  These oils are the purest form and therefore the most expensive oils available in the world.  All of the oils and blends are considered Performance oils.  These are not just pretty fragrances.

The reason these oils actually work to stop pain, reduce allergies, relax the mind and body, balance hormones, clear the mind and so many other actions is because the ingredients are extremely potent.  Some of the ingredients in the blends are also very expensive.  For instance, the purest Bulgarian Rose oils is $7,000 per pound and Helichrysum is between $2,500 and $5,000 per pound.  Many of these oils are very difficult to find. Continue reading

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Everyone Needs A Little Joy In Their Life!

Laughter – Refreshes, Uplifts & Inspires Happiness

Laughter is a clean, refreshing blend that is emotionally uplifting–it actually gives you a happy feeling. The compounds in this blend stimulate areas of the brain that help you lighten up and be happy. Many of these compounds have been used throughout history to combat depression. The potency of this formula makes it a great performance perfume. A-typical results in the areas of Bi-polar disorder and depression make this a staple for a balanced life. *Formula available in a topical therapeutic compound for the body and as a Fuel for the Catalytic diffuser.

Abundance – Welcomes Wealth, Harmony & Happiness

Abundance is a high frequency formulation that stimulates the pineal gland in the brain, which then inspires a high spiritual awareness. These compounds have been known for centuries as the “Holy Anointing Oils” in many cultures because of their profound effects. Historically some of the compounds in this blend were considered more valuable than gold. *Formula available in a topical therapeutic compound for the body and as a Fuel for the Catalytic diffuser.

Romance – Inspires Bliss, Romance and Confidence

Romance combines compounds known throughout history to be used as aphrodisiacs. This formulation is used to help balance the hormonal system of the body. The frequency of this formula stimulates both romantic love as well as self love. Many wear this formula as a performance perfume over the heart and on pulse points. The fragrant components are soft floral notes. *Formula available in a topical therapeutic compound for the body and as a Fuel for the Catalytic diffuser. …. .
The Therapeutic fuels are only for use with Lamp Aire Catalytic Diffusers.

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Relieve Stress and Anxiety For a More Restful Life

Sweet Dreams – Encourages A Calm, Peaceful Spirit

A delightfully calming formula that relaxes and helps promote restful sleep. This wonderful blend has been known to calm overactive children and “Type A” adults having a very stressful day. Soothing to the body, mind & spirit, it is useful for students who stress at test time or adults before a job interview or presentation. The whole family can enjoy the benefits. If overly tired or sleep deprived, do not use this formula while driving a car or operating machinery *Formula available in a topical therapeutic compound for the body and as a Fuel for the Catalytic diffuser.

Secret Forest – Strengthening and Grounding

This powerful sleep formula has a natural, earthy fragrance that relaxes, sedates and soothes. This blend may be also used as a mosquito repellent. Use in the evening for a deep, restful night’s sleep. This is a wonderful evening “family room” blend to help settle down after a hectic day. If overly tired or sleep deprived, do not use this formula while driving a car or operating machinery.*Formula available in a topical therapeutic compound for the body and as a Fuel for the Catalytic diffuser.

Soothing Lavender – Soothes the Mind, Body & Spirit

Medicinal grade Lavender compound has many uses. Promotes the healing of cuts, bruises, burns, sunburns and swelling. Flight attendants like this oil, because it is a soothing way to relieve swelling of ankles after long flights. This formula can be used as an insect repellent. Lavender has been used throughout history for it’s calming effect as a sleep formula. If overly tired or sleep deprived, do not use this formula while driving a car or operating machinery *Formula available in a topical therapeutic compound for the body and as a Fuel for the Catalytic diffuser. …. .
The Therapeutic fuels are only for use with Lamp Aire Catalytic Diffusers.

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For the Relief of Migraines, Allergies, Cold, Flu and Virus

Migraine & Stress – Helps Clear Migraines & Relieves Pain

Originally formulated to relieve migraines caused by stress, this compound exceeded all expectations. It was found to also relieve joint, bone and muscle pain when applied topically. Many have reported effectiveness in the area of smoking cessation with this potent stress reliever. This blend will clear a stuffy nose in moments and is very invigorating to the mind. So the next time you feel a headache coming on, stop and breathe the relief…and don’t forget to take a little time for yourself. *Formula available in a topical therapeutic compound for the body and as a Fuel for the Catalytic diffuser.

Allergy – Breathe Easy – Aids Allergy Relief

A remarkable formula for those who suffer from allergies on a regular basis. Effective against environmental sensitivities and when the environment is contaminated with dust, mold, mildew or the leftover smell of cigarette smoke. On those mornings when you wake up “sneezing your head off”, this is the blend that will clear up your day. It has been reported to be effective for certain food allergies. When airways are blocked use the Migraine & Stress formula to open breathing passages first, then follow with Allergy Relief. *Formula available in a topical therapeutic compound for the body and as a Fuel for the Catalytic diffuser.

Cold, Flu & Virus – “En Garde” – Fortifies Against Infections

With an ORAC rating(antioxidant properties) of 10,700,000 plus, this is one of the most powerful blends for fortifying your system against the threat of cold, flu & virus. The compounds in this blend are antiviral, antifungal, antimicrobial and antibacterial. It should be diffused into the air when in close proximity to someone with a cold, flu or virus. Schools reported a significant improvement in absenteeism when diffused in the classroom or applied topically. The formula can be taken orally, applied to the toothbrush, breathed for immediate response in the respiratory system and applied to the body. *Formula available in a topical therapeutic compound for the body and as a Fuel for the Catalytic diffuser. ….. …
The Therapeutic fuels are only for use with Lamp Aire Catalytic Diffusers.
Energy | Joyful | Relief | Serenity| Specialty Blends

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Keeping the mind and body in a state of balance is the key to on-going good health. Many things can throw off this delicate balance. Stress, weather patterns, tiredness, negative or demanding people, the frequencies of electronics, satellites and radio signals and of course the many types of toxins that can wreak havoc on the harmonious interaction of our amazing integrated body/mind systems.

Hormone balance is a very tricky business. So many different factors come into play when looking at what effects the hormones. Chemicals from medication, food additives, air pollution, household products and building materials are but a few of the culprits responsible for systemic interruptions and breakdowns of our integrated systems. People can without knowing it, cause much weakness and drain on your energetic field.

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Blueprint for the "Future of Medicine"Bringing the latest cutting edge technology to the doctors and practitioners around the world.

These amazing technologies and treatment protocols turn off pain in minutes and have the ability to reverse disease and aging very rapidly. All treatments and protocols are gentle, pain free, drug free, non-invasive and safe for young children and the elderly.

Our mission is to bring this information to practitioners in every major city in the world. It is time to change the face of modern medicine. Science has proven that the future of medicine lies in the ability to treat the body’s sophisticated electrical systems.

These procedures are especially useful in repairing severe chronic pain, dis-ease and emotional behavior patterns. The brain-body communication system learns, records  and continuously repeats “Energetic Habit Patterns”. To effect permanent change, you must address the energetic patterns in the body’s many sophisticated electrical systems. The change occurs in the emotional, physical and mental patterns.

The treatments are as follow:

Pain Free Drug Free turns off severe chronic pain in minutes.

Pulse Diagnosis & Repair diagnoses and turns off stress running in the electrical systems.

Energy Modification elaborates on the protocols, equipment and procedures to effect change.

Biomagnetic Detoxification reduces stress on the sympathetic nervous system and detoxifies at the cellular level, allowing the body to heal any and all disease, relieve pain, restore vitality, reverse aging and reset to a healthy body weight.

Lightwave Frequency Stimulator resets the electrical system and brain function, restores energy and vitality and soothes the nervous system.

Brainwave Entrainment stimulates healthy brainwave frequencies to repair the body, empower the mind and retrain your own brain.

Axiatonal Alignment upgrades the energetic frequencies in the body to have a higher quality lifestyle and a healthier body and mind.

Bio-molecular Clearing, NLP & Hypnosis identify, and repair faulty programming in the brain, empowering a person to have the life they want.

Mineral & Gem Frequency Stimulation transfers the frequency of minerals and gemstones to strengthen the organs and systems of the body.

Far Infrared stimulates endorphins, cleanses the lymphatic system, promotes healing in the tissues, heals and repairs the skin, soothes sore muscles and joint pain and so much more…

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For a Boost of Energy; Increases Alertness, Clarity and Vitality

Clarity – Promotes Clarity of Thought

This blend has the unique ability to stimulate the mind and relax the body at the same time. It enables greater focus, mental alertness, clear thinking and the ability to concentrate and retain detailed information. This formula relieves anxiety and mental fatigue, clears confusion, enhances memory and improves mental accuracy. Business people use this formula when they need stimulant free alertness while driving late. When arriving at their destination they can immediately sleep as usual. Clarity is great for students during study time or tests. Schools report greatly increased test scores when diffused in classrooms or applied topically. *Formula available in a topical therapeutic compound for the body and as a Fuel for the Catalytic diffuser.

Spirit – Heightens Mental Potential & Alertness

Spirit is an emotionally uplifting blend with many uses. Diffuse with your favorite Lamp Aire Catalytic Lamp for a burst of energy all day. This formula has powerful antibacterial properties, making it a must for keeping the whole family healthy. A drop or two can be added to drinking water or tea in the early part of the day. Apply topically to the fatty areas of the body to break down fats in the cells. Do not use late in the day or at bedtime; It’s very energizing! *Formula available in a topical therapeutic compound for the body and as a Fuel for the Catalytic diffuser.

Vitality – Increases Vitality & Get-Up-and-Go

When you are feeling tired, this amazing blend improves physical strength by increasing circulation in the body. It promotes improved nerve function, stimulates the endocrine system and supports adrenal glands. It increases alertness of the mind and inspires you to “get up and go”. A healthy way to increase performance in workouts or sports. *Formula available in a topical therapeutic compound for the body and as a Fuel for the Catalytic diffuser. …… ..
The Therapeutic fuels are only for use with Lamp Aire Catalytic Diffusers.

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Biomagnetic Cellular Detoxification

New Breakthrough Treatment takes the country by storm…

A system that utilizes the body’s electromagnetic frequencies to repair itself. Gentle, painless and potent…this  multifaceted  system works at the cellular level to balance and cleanse the organs and systems naturally. The effects are felt at the physical, mental and emotional level.
The comprehensive approach generates long lasting results by detoxifying the physical body, the mind and the emotions. This cellular level cleanse increases energy levels, strengthens immune function, restores mental clarity and focus, lifts depression, relieves pain, improves sleep and allows natural, safe fat loss when needed.

News stations all over the US featured a cutting edge treatment that repairs the body at the cellular and electrical level.  The effects were so remarkable that it was presented to the Texas Medical Association. Medical Researchers from Stanford University are reviewing it for improving the results in wound care for Diabetes.

Miraculous relief for many… The treatment that gave such amazing relief flooded ABC news and programs across the country.  According to one station’s IT department, it was the most hit video clip in the station’s history.

One Dallas business owner reports that years of extremely painful health problems, plantar fasciitis, severe neck & back pain, depression and hormonal problems caused her to be out of work for up to eight weeks at a time. Then in March 2007 she found this treatment…it was the answer.

Within a few weeks  she was completely pain freeHer plantar fasciitis and back pain were gone.  The hormonal symptoms of depression, hot flashes, mood swings, fatigue and insomnia ceased.  Her skin cleared up and she lost weight!  Now, 3 years later she is still pain free, drug free feeling better than ever.

An executive in the music industry suffered with severe Bi-Polar disorder, ADD, Depression, Insomnia and Hormonal Imbalance for more than 25 years. After receiving this powerful treatment the symptoms began to disappear one by one. There was no longer a need for the multiple medications.  Deep restful sleep replaced the severe insomnia and strength returned. The severe migraines stopped. All hormonal imbalances repaired. This person is now medication free and living a happy healthy life. These changes began in January 2006.

A 73 year old man had a 30 year history of high blood pressure, triglyceride & cholesterol counts, as well as severe knee pain. Having no cartilage in either knee, the pain was constant. He received treatment for a few weeks and used the topical pain formula (Migraine and Stress relief) on the areas of pain. Then he went on a vacation where he reportedly ate and drank his way through Cabo San Lucas.

Upon his return he had his yearly check up. His doctor called us demanding to know what we had done to him. The doctor reported that he first thought he had been reading the wrong charts because the tests showed  complete normal blood work.

This patient confided that in the 25 years of being this doctor’s patient, each year his cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure reports got worse because he had refused to exercise and diet.  Not only was his blood work normal, he now had no pain in his knees.  He has remained pain free for the past two years.

The treatments have tremendous success with most health problems because stress and toxicity are the leading causes of dis-ease, and this treatment reduces both significantly.

This gentle, painless and non-invasive treatment… is safe for children and the elderly. A young child, 2 years old was suffering with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis in her knees. Her parents reported that she cried daily with the pain in her knees.  After hearing about the miraculous effects of the treatment, her parents brought her in.  They could not stand to see their baby in agony.   She was treated for a few weeks and no longer had pain.  Children respond very quickly to all of the treatment protocols.  They have fewer learned energetic habit patterns so their bodies learn the new healthy patterns quickly.

Biomagnetics…New Breakthrough Treatment takes the country by storm. Fibromyalgia, Chronic pain and Bipolar disorder are no match for the restorative capabilities of this new technology.

This amazing new treatment uses the body’s  built-in electromagnetic energy systems to make the repairs. By gently  redirecting the frequencies, removing stress from the sympathetic nervous system, exciting cell receptor sites and stimulating cell oxygenation, the organs and systems naturally detoxify and repair.

These gentle non-invasive treatments can help you get the joy and vitality back in your life.

The treatment is effective for a wide range of illness;  ADD, Dyslexia, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Depression, Insomnia, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Migraines, Menopausal symptoms, Graves Disease and Weight Loss. Utilizing the body’s electromagnetic frequencies to repair itself, it is gentle, painless and potent.

This  multifaceted  system works at the cellular level to balance and cleanse the organs and systems naturally. The effects are felt at the physical, mental and emotional level. The comprehensive approach generates long lasting results by detoxifying the physical body, the mind and the emotions. This cellular level cleanse increases energy levels, strengthens immune function, restores mental clarity and focus, lifts depression, relieves pain, improves sleep and allows natural, safe fat loss when needed.

High success rates for patients tested in multiple categories.  Before filing the patent for this system, several studies were done with patients from varied profiles. These groups consisted of both male and female, all age groups including young children and the elderly, patients with complicated health issues, incurable diseases and the genetic predispositions for severe health problems. When following protocols properly, the patients in all categories had high success rates (less than 1% failure, which was due to the inability to sufficiently hydrate without intravenous therapy).

These atypical results are possible because the system employs the body’s innate intelligence to orchestrate and manage the healing, thus eliminating human error.

Homeostasis allows the innate intelligence to address the most critical issues for each patient in the order of importance for that patient’s health needs and well-being without causing undue stress to the body. As each area of disease and imbalance is restored, the next level of healing is initiated until the body’sphysical strength, emotional balance, mental clarity and vitality is restored.
Noteworthy documented success with the reversal of severe symptoms in cases of Graves disease (the one percentile group with the protrusion of the eyes, lesions on the legs and severe thyroid dysfunction), arthritis, hypertension, high cholesterol, back pain (caused by multiple fused discs and steel implants in the spine) and addiction to prescription pain medications and anti-depressants. Restored balance, healthy organs and strengthened immune function improves the overall health and well-being of the patient.

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Catalytic Diffusion…a healthy way to clean air

Catalytic Diffusion…a natural way to clean the air and improve your health

There is a safe and healthy way to eliminate harmful environmental toxins, allergens, off-gassing and even cancel the harmful effects of electromagnetic frequencies. The Lamp Aire catalytic diffusers are the answer. They diffuse very potent medicinal grade formulas which heal and strengthen the body while eliminating harmful airborne contaminants.

There are currently over 200 different styles from which to choose and 16 therapeutic fuels. They are made of ceramic and styled to fit into your home or office decor. They literally combust the molecules of virus, bacteria, mold and chemicals while diffusing medicinal formulas that improve your health and well being.

This system is so powerful it continues to kill up to 85% of the bacteria in the air…30 hours after being turned off! Continue reading

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