
Hormonal issues can disrupt the entire body function. This is true for teenagers, pre-menopausal, menopausal and post menopausal problems.  The delicate balance is often interrupted by electronic frequencies, food additives and pollution. Estrogen dominance is also a huge contributor in theUnited Statesbecause the chemicals used in farming, food additives for livestock and sprayed on golf courses and lawns contains estrogen based products. This is also a problem for men. If you watch the senior golf tour, you will see that many of the men have breasts.

We have seen girls as young as twenty with full-blown menopausal symptoms due to overuse of electronics, toxicity from industrial pollution and over-medication.

Many young female athletes who compete in sports requiring them to be very thin or fit into a certain weight class often cannot get their menstrual cycle. This is because the body intelligence determines that they are too skinny to be able to carry to term and provide the necessary nutrients to a forming fetus. This is common with wrestlers, gymnasts and long distance runners.

Biomagnetic detoxification and the hormone balance formula can quickly begin to restore the balance and function of the hormones. It can be used to repair or as a preventative for hormone related problems like cramping, bloating, mood swings, hot flashes, insomnia, skin problems, night sweats and migraines.


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