
Cold and flu season can be difficult if you have let yourself get run down.  When your immune system is strong, you get enough rest and drink plenty of fresh water you are often the only one in the group that doesn’t get sick. Zinc, vitamin ‘C’ and Cold, Flu and Virus Relief formula are highly recommended as a preventative and as a booster if you get sick. The Cold, Flu and Virus relief is a powerful antioxidant formula with an ORAC  rating (anti-oxidant properties rating scale) of more than ten million. The body formula can be applied to the bottoms of the feet, breathed into the respiratory system, applied to the toothbrush, without toothpaste or just dropped directly on the tongue for quick body support.

The air sterilizing diffuser system has a Cold, Flu and Virus Relief fuel that can be used day and night to clean and sterilize the air while boosting immune function for everyone present. This formula and the brain stimulating formula, Clarity are the teachers favorite fuels. We have had reports from teachers that they have been able to document test scores and absenteeism changes just by using these two fuels in their classrooms.

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