ADD, Dyslexia & OCD

ADD, dyslexia and OCD are often misdiagnosed. This is especially true if the behavior or issues are new. When a child or adult functioned normally and suddenly had a change in the ability to concentrate, focus, make sense of things or let things go normally when over stressed, it is usually an electrical system issue and not that of true dyslexia, ADD or OCD.

There are many different things that can cause these electrical system problems. The body has many different electromagnetic frequency based organized functions. The neurons, nerves, and meridians. These are not only in the brain. The old model believed that focus, memory and stress management all occurred in the brain.

The new science has discovered that the ‘molecules of emotion’, in a book with the same title, by Dr. Candace Pert, were found to be in the entire body/mind. They used to believe that there was a lock and key mechanism which stimulated the neuropeptides to interlock with receptors on the surface of the cells. This happened by the passage of electrical impulses along a synapse and pathway.

What they now have proven to be true, is that the messages are being sent and received by the neuropeptides and the receptor sites that have the same ‘lock and key’ shapes, which are determined by the emotion felt at that given moment. What is now known to be different than the old model, is that the signals don’t just cross the rigid short synapses and pathways along a straight line or in a close proximity, but in fact are more like wireless wifi, stimulating the exact same response body-wide on every cell of the body simultaneously.

What that means when dealing with issues of the brain, emotions or mental function is that it is the emotions that trigger the responses and there are a myriad of causes that change the emotional state. For instance, food additives, medications and airborne toxins have been proven to alter the mood and the brain chemistry. Environmental pollution from electromagnetic signals from satellites, cell phones, computers, TVs and microwaves cause a marked difference and disturbance in the pineal gland in the brain. This gland is responsible for the secretion of melatonin, which regulates many important functions in the body/mind, such as sleep cycles, circadian rhythms, sexual function, auto-immune function and hormone balance.

We treat adults and children with this very issue in about fifteen to thirty minutes by resetting the disturbance in the electrical systems, thereby resetting proper function. Our objective in this case is to train the person to manage and maintain the re-set condition. It has been brought to our attention quite often that the cause of these disturbances is often stress, in the classroom, at work, with peers and in personal relationships. With children, it is often a combination of stress, toxicity from food additives, food allergies and the emotional, thereby the electromagnetic condition of their teachers and parents.

Ninety percent of the people we treat with this diagnosis, the diagnosis is wrong and medication is not only unnecessary, but greatly adds to the problem. We need to start paying closer attention to what was happening just before a physical, mental or emotional change occurs. When we follow the clues…we will see what is really causing the change.

As in many of the blog posts here is a description of the factors causing chronic conditions:

The cause and repair of chronic conditions:

Other things that greatly exacerbate the problem when a person suffers with anxiety, depression, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, lupus, auto-immune disease and other chronic illness, are food, medical and environmental pollution, low frequency vibration from the over-use of electronics and being around low vibration people who are negative, judgmental, whiny, needy or angry. These frequencies and toxicity have a grave affect on the brain and body.

The four types of pollution makes the body and brain too toxic to function normally. Bogging down the liver and lymphatic system, the person begins to feel like they always have the flu, and brain fog. They feel depressed, lacking energy and motivation. Once these toxic substances lodge in the body, they store in the fat cells causing the body’s lymphatic system to be overloaded. Weight gain is one of the many unhealthy side-effects from the pollution.

Food additives can have a seriously detrimental  affect. MSG, artificial sweeteners and other chemical compounds not only are unrecognized by the body but have been tested to have negative mood altering effects in the neurology of the brain and body. They are responsible for millions of people suffering with uncontrollable weight gain, migraines, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and many nervous system disorders.

Unfiltered tap water in most cities is unhealthy to drink. Water and other foods sold in plastic bottles also have plasticizers that leach into the body that mimic the estrogen receptors which are at the heart of many types of cancer. The best type of water is one that uses high quality filtration. If you want the convenience of carrying fresh water with you, use glass or other non plastic containers.

Medical pollution is a bigger problem today than any other time in our history, with people being prescribed multiple medications at the same time. According to the leaders in neuroscience and biology, drugs are studied singularly but never in combination with other medications. This is a serious oversight of the FDA, and medical community. We have all heard about how taking two safe chemical substances like ammonia and bleach, when combined becomes a lethal gas. It will kill you. However, most people who suffer with chronic conditions are taking anywhere from three to thirty prescriptions at the same time. This is negligence of the highest order! I have heard from many participants in the clinical trials conducted at Vital Frequency’s research center, that it was their pharmacist that brought to their attention, the prescribed lethal combinations they were about to ingest.

The other problem with the medical pollution is this misunderstanding that certain drugs only work on a small little part of the brain or an organ, when in fact the substances bind with the receptor sites on every single cell throughout the body/mind. The names of drugs like selective uptake inhibitors, is very misleading. It is not the area of the brain or body that is selectively affected but instead the type of chemical that is inhibited. Furthermore, on this subject, it has been believed that these chemicals are only found in the brain, but the chemicals being inhibited by these drugs affect function in the heart, the liver, stomach, bones, immune system, etc. These drugs have a huge impact on the overall function of the body.

The electronic smog causes a myriad of problems system-wide. The frontal cortex shuts down and it is hard to think clearly. The digestive and sexual function shuts down along with the auto-immune system and much of the kidney function. The liver stops metabolizing fats and nutrients and the body is filled with ‘attack and protect’ hormones leaving the person agitated, jittery and angry.

Environmental smog is also caused by industrial air pollution, airborne contaminants from building materials, like carpet padding and glue, paint, solvents, varnish, adhesives and fabric coatings. Another big problem with airborne toxins are the highly toxic chemical fragrances found in plug-ins, candles and laundry products and cleaning chemicals. We need to read the labels…if it is not natural, choose something else.

Montel Williams had a show featuring the lethal affects of some ‘harmless’ products on some very famous people, (listen to the Blog-talk radio interview on the homepage).

The negative affects of being around low frequency people is daunting. They can demonstrate the characteristics of angry, victim-like, raging, judgmental or whiny behavior. Which ever tone they choose, it is always very energy depleting, sucking the life-force right out you. This often leads people to feel like they have failed because they cannot seem to help these low frequency people. It is a vicious cycle.

To have a healthy, happy vital life it is necessary to clean out the toxins, raise the cellular vibration and reduce the stress. Here at Vital Frequency we can help you do this effortlessly. We offer many treatment options and special packages for participating in the drug-free clinical trials.


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There is so much unnecessary premature aging today. There are many reasons why it is so prevalent in our culture. Aging and disease are caused by stress and toxicity.

Here is what happens to your body when you get stressed. First, your “Fight or flight” system kicks in to the survival mode, which causes a wave of biochemicals to be released into your system.

This  “fight or flight” system in Chinese medicine is called triple warmer meridian.  The function of triple warmer meridian is to keep your heart pumping…at all costs. This is the same mechanism that keeps you alive when you go into shock.  It is the system that allows an elderly person to get the sudden burst of strength which enables them to pick up a car when a baby is under it.

The reason you can suddenly have such an instant and unusual burst of strength is, that to keep the heart pumping, triple warmer has the authority to take strength from all other vital systems in an emergency and redirect it to the heart to keep you alive.  In the moment you go into survival mode, all the blood leaves your fore brain and is redirected to the legs so you can run and the arms so you can fight.

So all of your energy stores get instantly depleted and are weakened. When you are weakened the body cannot function properly or efficiently. The blood left your fore brain so you can’t think clearly.  The liver and kidneys don’t clean as well, the digestion is inadequate, the spleen cannot metabolize, then the pancreas doesn’t process sugars correctly, gallbladder malfunctions and is thereby weakened, bladder is either over or under active, etc.etc.etc.

With all of this happening your ability to rest deeply and regenerate is almost impossible. Now your hormones get out of balance affecting sexual function and sleep cycles. Without enough rest happiness wanes and depression ensues, by this point your auto-immune system is severely depleted, you get dark circles and bags under your eyes, your skin cannot keep up with all the toxins to process (since the liver and kidneys are weakened), so wrinkles appear,your complexion looks gray.

Your posture goes to pot from the tension and fatigue, your muscles, tendons and joints get stressed… Then, everything starts to hurt, your muscles, bones, joints, tendons and even your skin hurts. There are some days that your hair even hurts! This is all caused from living in constant stress.

Then there are the all the other toxins, environmental, food additives, chemicals and electronic.  The point is this…When you can turn off the stress and detoxify… you can reverse pain, disease and aging.

The 8 best ways to turn off stress and detoxify…

1. Drink! Yes, drink, drink and drink as much clean fresh water as you can. Water allows your body to flush the toxins, plump the skin and restore the organs. Since we are made up of at least 70% water, we need 8-10 8oz glasses a day to stay hydrated and young. But, when we are sick, tired or toxic we need even more to flush it all out and rehydrate.

2. Raise your vibration by using your mind.   A very easy yet powerful way to raise your vibration is to start thinking positive thoughts. Since your thoughts have a vibrational frequency, think high frequency thoughts. Law of attraction draws to you whatever you are thinking about all day long. So think about what you think about.  You are in charge of how you use your mind.  It is a powerful tool.

3. Biomagnetic Cellular detoxification. This is by far the  most comprehensive cellular detoxification I have ever experienced, and I have tried them all.  After cleaning and oxygenating the cells, restoring strength to the body, balancing the meridians and de-stressing the sympathetic nervous system… it reverses aging.  I have seen many people start to look and feel decades younger, just using this treatment alone.

4. Therapeutic compound formulas. There are 4 formulas design specifically to reduce stress, calm you and help you sleep. They are available in body compounds and diffusion fuels. Three are Serenity formulas meant to calm and help you get a deep restful nights regenerating sleep.  One is the Migraine and stress formula which is calming and will also reverse a migraine headache. Hormone formulas, Joyful, brain function boost and Energy also are available. They are inexpensive, easy to use and portable.  There is no reason to stay stressed any longer. It only requires applying topically or just breathing them in.

5. Catalytic diffusion. Sterilize the air, cancel the harmful frequencies of electronics and give your body the formula it needs just by breathing. If you need Serenity, Relief, Energy or more Joy it is as easy as turning on a diffuser and breathing. I first created this line of products to help people with severely depleted immune systems who could not tolerate the off gassing from the new construction of their homes.  They were already so sick that they couldn’t handle any more contaminants.  This took all the off gassing, mold, viruses and allergens from their air by the combustion of the molecules.  They could finally get healthy.  Schools have reported radical changes in test scores and absenteeism just using these units in the classrooms.

6. Energy modification treatments. These powerful yet gentle treatments redirect the flow of energy in the body.  This allows the innate intelligence to take over and quickly and efficiently repair.  See Pulse treatments and Energy Frequency Stimulator for full description of the process.

7. Run your own brain:Our brains produce electrical charges which create rhythms. These rhythms can be seen with an electroencephalograph (EEG). The four common brainwave pattern categories are beta, alpha, theta and delta.  Each of these brainwave patterns are associated with specific states which effect our health and the quality of our lives…By altering the brainwave states one can improve brain function, memory, reduce stress, alter heart-rate, resolve unconscious problems or inner conflicts. By aligning your brainwaves with the outcome you prefer…change is inherent.

We use four methods by which you can run your own brain…  Read more about Brainwave Entrainment, Bio-molecular Clearing, N.L.P. and Hypnosis to help you quickly and easily reprogram your brain to work the way you always wished it would.

8. Far Infrared: Improves micro circulation by exerting strong rotational and vibrational effects at molecular level.

* Enhances the delivery of oxygen and nutrients in the blood cell to the body’s soft tissue areas.

* Promotes regeneration and fast healing.

* Increases metabolism between blood and tissue.

* Enhances white blood cell function, thereby increasing immune response and the elimination of foreign pathogens and cellular waste products.

* Removes accumulated toxins by improving lymph circulation which are often at the core of many health problems.

* Stimulate the hypothalamus, which controls the production of neurochemicals involved in such biological processes as sleep, mood, pain sensations, and blood pressure.


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30 Years ago very few people had severe allergies.  Today it is rare to find a person who does not have allergies of one kind or another.  This is as true for children as it is for adults…even our pets have allergies.

Our bodies have sophisticated built-in repair programs which when overloaded begin to fail.  Many people in our culture spend most of their time in a state of stress.  This causes a chain reaction which sets off a series of responses in the body.

First, the fight or flight system kicks in. The available energy resources are redirected to deal with the impending danger or problem.  Energy levels in the other systems are depleted. Fatigue and weakness ensues. The body’s ability to tolerate and metabolize environmental toxins, food additives, chemical compounds and stress is significantly reduced.  When the body has too many things on the repair list, all of the sophisticated systems are thrown into chaos.

By reducing stress on the sympathetic nervous system and detoxifying the body, order can be restored.  Biomagnetic detoxification, pulse diagnosis and repair, and the light-wave frequency stimulation treatment are recommended along with Allergy Relief formula.

Catalytic diffusion using Cold, Flu and Virus Relief and Allergy Relief Fuels will sterilize the environment.

Far Infrared and lymphatic cleansing can also be used to cleanse the body.

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Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia have many causes. Excessive nervous system stress, physical and environmental toxicity, hormone and vitamin imbalances and just to name a few.

Recent discoveries in neuroscience have shown that the brain has the ability to repair and regenerate itself. New neural pathways reconnect and create new healthy signals through brain fibers. Restoring many functions previously thought impossible. It is all about frequency, vibrational signals and energy.

With the use of Biomagnetics, lightwave, pulse diagnosis and/or brainwave therapy, many who suffer with this terrible problem have reported marked change in their symptoms very rapidly. All of these options are painless, non-invasive and reasonably priced.

According to Web MD:

Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Forms of Dementia

Dementia is the loss of mental functions — such as thinking, memory, and reasoning — that is severe enough to interfere with a person’s daily functioning. Dementia is not a disease itself, but rather a group of symptoms that are caused by various diseases or conditions. Symptoms can also include changes in personality, mood, and behavior. In some cases, the dementia can be treated and cured because the cause is treatable. Examples of this include dementia caused by substance abuse (illicit drugs and alcohol), combinations of prescription medications, and hormone or vitamin imbalances. In some cases, although the person may appear to have dementia, a severe depression can be causing the symptoms.

Dementia develops when the parts of the brain that are involved with learning, memory, decision-making, and language are affected by one or more of a variety of infections or diseases. The most common cause of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease, but there are as many as 50 other known causes.

Because some causes of dementia can be cured or partially treated, it is very important that your doctor is thorough when making the diagnosis, so as not to miss potentially treatable conditions.

What Causes Dementia?

There are several things that could cause dementia:

  • Diseases that cause degeneration or loss of nerve cells in the brain such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s.
  • Diseases that affect blood vessels, such as stroke, which can cause a disorder known as multi-infarct dementia.
  • Toxic reactions, like excessive alcohol or drug use.
  • Nutritional deficiencies, like vitamin B12 and folate deficiency.
  • Infections that affect the brain and spinal cord, such as AIDS dementia complex and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
  • Certain types of hydrocephalus, an accumulation of fluid in the brain that can result from developmental abnormalities, infections, injury, or brain tumors.
  • Head injury — either a single severe head injury or longer term smaller injuries, like in boxers.
  • Illnesses other than in the brain, such as kidney, liver, and lung diseases, can all lead to dementia.

Alzheimer’s disease causes 50% to 60% of all dementia. But researchers have found that two nervous diseases, which were originally incorrectly diagnosed as Alzheimer’s, are emerging as major causes of dementia: Lewy body disease and Pick’s disease.

For treatment email…

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Arthritis pain, as with other types of body pain, can be greatly reduced and most often eliminated by turning off pain triggers, restoring blood and oxygen flow and clearing blockages in the meridian flow patterns. Chronic pain is maintained by signals being sent through the body’s electrical systems. The nervous system, the meridians and the subconscious mind record everything you have ever experienced.  So, chronic pain can be an energetic habit pattern.

Pain signals are maintained by several different systems in the body; spinal nerves, dermatomes (nerves in the skin), muscles, tendons, skeletal, the nervous system, the meridians, surrounding tissue and even in the cellular memory. By turning off the pain signals in each of these systems, the body learns the new pattern.

When we reset the new signal enough times (maybe 6-12 treatments) often less, the body forgets the old program and effortlessly runs the new one. It is just that simple. The treatments are gentle, painless, non-invasive, relaxing and most of all without, the use of drugs. They are gentle enough to be safe for young children and the elderly.

Recommended treatment options: Pain Free Drug Free treatment, Biomagnetics, Pulse Diagnosis and Repair, Lightwave frequency stimulation or Pain relief formula.

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According to the experts at Harvard Medical School,

“We were very, very surprised,” admits Dale Umetsu, a professor of pediatrics at the Medical School and at Harvard-affiliated Children’s Hospital in Boston. “People have been confused about which cells in the lungs are responsible for all these years. Now, we have to rethink the results of so many studies. Our new findings were totally unexpected.”Asthma occurs when the body’s natural system of defense against bacteria, viruses, and other harmful microbes becomes overprotective. It misidentifies relatively harmless pollens, dust, and dander, setting up a reaction that narrows and inflames small airways in the lungs. From that comes breathlessness, wheezing, tissue damage, and, in the worst cases, death.

In the standard textbook version of what happens, so-called T helper cells respond to ragweed, dust, and other irritants by secreting proteins that attack the irritants as if they are bits of disease-causing bacteria or viruses. Umetsu and his colleagues decided to take a look at this process from a new perspective. They checked the lung cells of 25 patients, 14 of whom were nonsmokers with moderate to severe asthma. To their surprise, they found that most of the trouble-raising cells in the lungs of asthmatics aren’t helper cells but a little-known group of natural killer cells. In general, killer cells enjoy the reputation of destroying disease-causing invaders, but this special group wages war on otherwise normal lungs.

Over the years we have seen many people who suffer with chronic asthma. We too have found that the reaction to stress, allergies or over stimulation is triggering the ‘fight or flight ‘ response chronically. This is what causes the over-protectiveness.

Once the circuitry learns this protective pattern, it becomes an automated response. For this reason, we treat this type of issue with the pulse diagnosis and repair, followed by system strengthening, mineral therapy and light-wave frequency stimulation to reset the circuitry. Biomagnetic detoxification helps the body maintain the new stress free habit pattern.  By following this precise routine the body mind is able to learn a new approach to stress and toxic attack much more quickly and effortlessly.

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Mold, Chemicals, Food additives, People and Cedar

 I had the pleasure of spending a day in Phoenix, Arizona with Dr. Doris Rapp. Doris was a true pioneer, the first to shine the light on the effects of allergens, heavy metal poisoning and environmental toxins on health, especially when it related to severe allergy cases and autism.

Later that night, I was shown a video tape that must have been at least two decades old. This video showed the actual lab tests done with one square inch of carpeting, taken from a first grade elementary classroom. What I saw shocked and horrified me.

The piece of carpeting was placed at one end of a long tube which housed several mice “nose down” with their noses open to the air coming through the tube.

A fan was placed at one end of the tube behind the piece of carpeting blowing air across the top surface of the carpet into the tube. The test lasted only a few minutes.

After this exposure to breathing the air that had passed over such a small surface area of the carpet, the mice were then put through several extensive neurological tests. I was informed that normally when you hold a mouse by its tail and place it near a piece of wire mesh or screen it automatically grabs the screen with its paws. These mice could not.

Also, if you hold a healthy mouse upside down it will automatically “right itself” like a cat, quickly turning up on its feet but these could not. The mice could not complete any of the normal tests. They just flopped around like near lifeless toys. The neurological damage was so severe that some of the mice died. This is after being exposed for minutes to a very small dose of the toxins in the air that these first graders were breathing in mass quantity ALL DAY LONG.

According to an article in the New York Times Published: February 24, 2010, Autism was first identified in 1943 in an obscure medical journal. Since then it has become a frighteningly common affliction, with the Centers for Disease Control reporting recently that autism disorders now affect almost 1 percent of children. This constitutes a huge national health burden, and suspicions are growing that one culprit may be chemicals in the environment.

An article in a peer-reviewed medical journal, Current Opinion in Pediatrics, makes this explicit. The article cites “historically important, proof-of-concept studies that specifically link autism to environmental exposures experienced prenatally.” It adds that the “likelihood is high” that many chemicals “have potential to cause injury to the developing brain and to produce neurodevelopmental disorders.”

The author is not a granola-munching crank but Dr. Philip J. Landrigan, professor of pediatrics at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York and chairman of the school’s department of preventive medicine.

While his article is full of cautionary language, Dr. Landrigan told that he is increasingly confident that autism and other ailments are, in part, the result of the impact of environmental chemicals on the brain as it is being formed. “The crux of this is brain development,” he said. “If babies are exposed in the womb or shortly after birth to chemicals that interfere with brain development, the consequences last a lifetime.” Concern about toxins in the environment used to be a fringe view. But alarm has moved into the medical mainstream. Toxicologists, endocrinologists and oncologists seem to be the most concerned.

Suspicions of toxins arise partly because studies have found that disproportionate shares of children develop autism after they are exposed in the womb to medications such as thalidomide (a sedative), misoprostol (ulcer medicine) and valproic acid (anticonvulsant). Of children born to women who took valproic acid early in pregnancy, 11 percent were autistic. In each case, fetuses seem most vulnerable to these drugs in the first trimester of pregnancy, sometimes just a few weeks after conception.

One peer-reviewed study published this year, in Environmental Health Perspectives, gave a hint of the risks. Researchers measured the levels of suspect chemicals called phthalates in the urine of pregnant women. Among women with higher levels of certain phthalates (those commonly found in fragrances, shampoos, cosmetics and nail polishes), their children years later were more likely to display disruptive behavior.

According to Atlanta Journal Constitution April 14, 2011 ,WKAR Atlanta April 13, 2011 and The Copenhagen Post April 15, 2011 the two CDC “top guys”, Dr. Poul Thorsen and Dr. Paul have both been caught lying about the relationships between autism and exposure to vaccines . Now a federal grand jury in Atlanta has indicted Thorsen and charged him with 13 counts of wire fraud, 9 counts of money laundering and stealing more than $1 million in grant money from the CDC over a four-year period.   

Dr. Mercolacomments that “when two of the biggest names in vaccine research and support turn out to be guilty of fraud, major deception, lying and making unsubstantiated statements, it really calls into question the validity of their work on the vaccine front … and that’s putting it mildly. Yet, this news has only been quietly shared by a handful of media outlets.”

He goes on to say that “Countless American parents are putting their trust, and their child’s lives, in the hands of the U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) every time they vaccinate their children. Yet two of the CDC’s “go-to guys” have now been caught red-handed lying and, in the case of Dr. Poul Thorsen, committing outright fraud. This includes:

  • Dr. Poul Thorsen, who was involved in several key studies the CDC uses to support their claims that MMR and mercury-containing vaccines, among others, are safe.
  • Dr. Paul Offit, a very well-known and frequent proponent of mandatory vaccination, whose views are promoted by the AAP and who previously served as a member of The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). ACIP is a 15-member panel of immunization experts, selected by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. They provide advice and guidelines to the CDC on vaccine-preventable diseases.”
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Back Pain

Back pain, as with other types of body pain, can be addressed using the new drug-free technology. Acute pain can be greatly reduced and chronic pain can be quickly eliminated by turning off pain triggers, restoring blood and oxygen flow and clearing blockages in the meridian flow patterns. Chronic pain is maintained by signals being sent through the body’s electrical systems. The nervous system, the meridians and the subconscious mind record everything you have ever experienced.  So, chronic pain can be an energetic habit pattern.

Pain signals are maintained by several different systems in the body; spinal nerves, dermatomes (nerves in the skin), muscles, tendons, skeletal, the nervous system, the meridians, surrounding tissue and even in the cellular memory. By turning off the pain signals in each of these systems, the body learns the new pattern.

When we reset the new signal enough times (maybe 6-12 treatments) often less, the body forgets the old program and effortlessly runs the new one. It is just that simple. The treatments are gentle, painless, non-invasive, relaxing and most of all without, the use of drugs. They are gentle enough to be safe for young children and the elderly.

Recommended treatment options: Pain Free Drug Free treatment, Biomagnetics, Pulse Diagnosis and Repair, Lightwave frequency stimulation and Pain relief formula.

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Bi-Polar Disorder

Severe cases of depression and bi-polar disorder are becoming very common in our world today. There are many contributing factors such as stress, hormonal imbalances, a disturbance in the pineal gland from electromagnetic frequencies, environmental pollutants and misfiled information in the brain to name a few. The compounding effects of bi-polar disorder or severe depression create multiple layers of problems, which create new energetic habit patterns that run in the body circuitry. After the pattern runs a few times, the body and brain habituate or normalize to it. Then the pattern runs automatically without effort or further thought, just as our autonomic body and brain functions do.

NEW SCIENCE: Some of the science now becoming main stream explains how and why these patterns are maintained. The studies that discovered the insulin and opiate receptors on the cells, explains how the body and mind, now considered the body- mind by neuroscience, makes such radical, rapid shifts. Each emotion triggers similar frequency neuropeptides, which instantly bind with the hundreds of receptor cites on each cell with the matching frequency, all throughout the body, simultaneously. It used to be thought of as a system with a web like structure of synapses which stimulated the nearby neurons.

What has come as a big surprise to the hardcore scientists is that it is much more like a wireless signal that is received by all the cells of the body at the very moment it is triggered. What used to be considered a neuronal activity only on the cells of the brain are now known to be on every cell of the brain and body…in the heart, immune system, gut, bone marrow, skin, intestinal tract…everywhere. What this translates to mean to the lay person is that every emotion you experience instantly triggers a cell response in every cell of your body.

WHAT THIS MEANS: We change the very structure of how our brain and body works just by the emotions we feel. Our treatments at Vital Frequency reset the whole body-mind system to its optimal performance levels, thereby switching off the old patterned responses. Working at the level of the body’s many electrical systems, the treatments first reduce the stress signals that inspire the emotions of a lower frequency. These emotions trigger the matching neuropeptides. By resetting to the healthier patterns which inspire a higher vibration emotion, the body responds by triggering the higher vibration neuropeptides, which instantly bind to the matching receptors. By maintaining this consistently, the body learns a new habit pattern and maintains it unconsciously.

CLINICAL TRIALS: We have had amazing results in our clinical trials with bi-polar disorder and depression. As you may know, doctors are now referring their most resistant cases otherwise not helped by other medical means and medication. One such case is a person who has suffered with both depression and bi-polar disorder more than twenty years. After a few treatments this patient no longer needed her medication and has been able to keep her job for several months. For any of you who suffer or know someone who has bi-polar disorder, keeping a job, relationship or any commitment lasting more than a couple of weeks can be daunting at best. The roller coaster of ups and downs makes life unbearable for everyone involved…the patient, family, friends, employers, neighbors…anyone in any sort of relationship with the person. Well I am happy to report that the stabilization factor in the treatment protocols works very efficiently and effectively and is sustainable.

We have reports from people who have maintained a normal, healthy, happy, medication free life for over five years after receiving these treatments. These people had suffered with depression and bi-polar disorder more than twenty years prior to receiving the treatments.

THE TREATMENTS: Our objective with the treatment protocols is to reset the body to its optimal performance levels in all body-mind functions. The body has built in healing and repair programs written in our DNA. The body has the ability to repair any and all damage…providing we allow it to do so. The treatments reduce stress and restore vitality making easy to feel good. Feeling good is the key to sustaining a healthy, happy body-mind.

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Black Mold

Ironically, the very first technology that we developed for the health and wellness industries came as a result of black mold infestation. A group of doctors for whom I did a great deal of consulting, called me early one morning in a state of panic. They reported that the state board of health had shut down their office building, determining it to be infested with black mold. The really sad thing is, that these doctors specialized in treating very severe health issues. People would fly in from all over the country to see them. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to them, they were sitting in a waiting room filled with black mold spores.

The technology that we developed was an upgraded modification of an old technology used in Europe to sterilize the air in hospitals and mortuaries. We made several changes to the system in order to protect the potent, yet delicate medicinal compounded formulas used in the system. We reduced the functional temperature as to not harm the vital constituents in the  formulas with high heat. We changed the wicking system to function without the carcinogens from cotton wicks. Finally, we disguised these highly effective air sterilizing units to look like decorative home decor items.

The technology was tested in two European independent testing facilities and was shown to kill up to 85% of the bacteria in the air thirty hours after being turned off. This was found to be the most efficient air sterilization process available to date. The very tiny light-weight molecules continued to hang in the air, sterilizing more than a day after being shut off. This coupled with the effectiveness of the medicinal compounds diffused into the air by the units, was found to be an efficient way to eliminate airborne contaminants and off-gassing.

Breathing black mold has serious consequences for ones health. It can cause resistant cases of upper and lower respiratory infection and is detrimental to the lungs, bronchial tubes and throat. Until the aggressive mold spores have been killed, they continue to populate. Black mold poisoning can be fatal.

When water leaks have not been properly treated, black mold is a serious consideration. Just caulking, spackling and painting over water-drenched sheet rock, drywall or plaster is not the correct way to deal with mold. Once saturated, the materials begin to feed the mold growth. There are home improvement store commercials that suggest that paperless drywall is the solution for mold. This is only partially accurate. The paper does hold the moister allowing mold to grow, however the bigger problem is the gypsum, the material that makes up drywall as it escalates the growth because black mold feeds on gypsum.

Always get a professional contractor who knows this information to make the correct repairs. If the contractor does not suggest removing all of the previously saturated materials, down to the studs, and sometimes replacing the studs (depending on the condition), following with cleaning all remaining surfaces with Tide, not bleach, and then replacing with new materials…get a different contractor! This is no joking matter. We have seen people who were nearly on their deathbed, due to black mold poisoning and didn’t even know why they had gotten ill.

Black mold can be found under carpets that have been water-soaked, in bathrooms with improper caulking around tubs, showers and sinks, as well as in the ceiling after a roof leaks, in the vents and in damp areas such as laundry rooms without proper ventilation. If you see even a tiny area with little black specs…you have mold. Do not attempt to remove this without superior mask protecting and heavy duty contractor trash bags and ventilation pulling all airborne spores to the outside. Before the clean up begins turn on a minimum of one air sterilizing diffuser.

Cars are not exempt from housing black mold either. A colleague of mine has had a suspicious leak somewhere in her car that no one can find. When she accelerates after a rain you can hear the sloshing somewhere in the wheel wells.  Whenever I have been in her car for five minutes, my throat becomes raw. If I am in this vehicle for more than a few minutes, I feel as though I’m getting the flu and I am very healthy and almost never sick. After this happened a few times I realized that there must be a problem with her car. When I asked her about it she told me of the strange unresolved water problem.

If you go to a hotel that smells damp and musty, ask for your money back and go to a different hotel. It will be a rare and very unintelligent hotel manager who will not refund your money at the treat of the state board of health inspection. Whenever I travel by car, I always carry an air sterilizing diffuser with me. It takes care of the airborne contaminants, off-gassing and worst of all, mold. I use the sleep formulas a night because there are so many interrupting noises in hotels that can disturb sleep and the formulas for mental clarity, physical energy or immune boosting during the daytime.

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Brain Function

Many chronic health problems are actually caused by the brain’s function. The two categories of the brain the conscious and subconscious brain have very different functions and purposes. Recently, I heard a famous neuroscientist say that they have discovered the main function of the brain is to filter and repress unpleasant memories, so we don’t go crazy. In the work we do with one of my technologies called Biomolecular reformatting, we access the information stored in the unconscious or also called the subconscious mind. This part of the mind is responsible for all of the autonomic functions. It is also where memories are stored. The unconscious mind records everything you have ever experienced, even in the womb.

Until recently, this information was considered airy-fairy, woo-woo imagination. However, the discoveries in brain technology and neuroscience, has proven quite the opposite to be true. The advancements in the study of cell biology have come so far over the last three decades. Unfortunately, unless one studies this information it would not likely be the topic of discussion over the dinner table or in the boardroom.

We have just scratched the surface of the possibilities of using the mind to heal. Milton Erickson, a master hypnotherapist was known for his ‘miracle cures’ using hypnosis. Virginia Satir had unbelievable results with patients using advanced pacing and breathing rhythm techniques along with the manipulation of the mind. Richard Bandler is a master at hypnosis and he combined it with a new field he and his partner John Grinder later called neuro linguistic programming.  Studying with Bandler and Grinder in the early days I saw the results first hand. Their work has come light years into the future since then. I studied with one of Bandler’s top trainers several years ago and the work has catapulted to outrageous new levels. Doing my hypnosis and advanced level training with Igor Ledochowski and combining it with NLP was mind changing. I now know you can actually run your own brain and body.

One day in the not too distant future we will look back on this time and wonder why we didn’t see the miraculous healing that was possible just using our brains deliberately. I tell people everyday, “You can heal from anything at anytime no matter what the condition if you use your mind deliberately and effectively.”

Unconscious inner conflicts are at the heart of many chronic conditions and unhealthy life patterns. Because the brain records information, all the time, at every age, and then files it away in the files, we have multi-layered illogical problems that seem insurmountable. However, by using Biomolecular reformatting, we can access the original stored information and the time it was observed. This is very valuable information because it lets you see the thoughts and beliefs that are behind every in-congruent part of your life. If you want success and are failing, if you want health and are sick or you want love and are lonely, the answers are found stored neatly, innocently in the files right where you put them, just as soon as your brain made the observation…even if you were four years old.

The unconscious brain is a recording device which separates, sorts and files information. That is the reason that someone hit by a car who remembers nothing, can be hypnotized and be able to tell the license plate numbers and describe the shoe laces of the person who ran up to them afterwards. The brain is an amazing machine. However, when people try to resolve their in-congruent problems using the conscious logical thinking mind, they get nowhere. The information is not stored there. That is the reason so many people spend decades in therapy and barely see change and a person can use Biomolecular reformatting in a session, done long distance , over the phone and have immediate, long-term sustainable change.


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We are often the last step along the way for those who suffer with cancer.  After having the radiation therapy, chemo, surgery, the full gamut of medical options, and then sent home by their practitioners to ‘get their affairs in order’, they find us. I have one question for them at that time…”Do you want to live”? That might sound like a ridiculous question, however sometimes, by that point, they do not. That too is okay, because it is their life and I am happy to help them get comfortable as they pass if it is their choice.

However, if they want to live, we begin a treatment regime that is painless, drug-free and allows their body to strengthen, detoxify, and increase the vibrational frequency and amplitude so that it can heal itself. People coming from long distances can stay for a few of weeks or travel back and forth to receive the necessary treatments.  Whenever possible, and especially if they have multiple stage four cases, we can see them once or twice daily for about three hours at a time.

The first four of the twelve phase treatment protocols start, by quickly turning off the stressful, depleting frequencies within the body circuitry that uses up all the energetic resources needed to heal. This also short circuits the triggered ‘fight or flight’ response and greatly reduces stress on the nervous system. The second set of phases consists of five treatments that nourishes and strengthens all the vital systems. It is during this stage that we actually teach the body and brain a new healthier energetic habit pattern. The last three stimulate the lymphatic system, detoxify, re-strengthen and maintain the new learned energetic habit pattern and eliminate any chronic body pain.

Along with the treatment regime, we use Bio-molecular reformatting to identify and resolve inner conflicts that allowed the body to be in such a weakened state that it could not resist the cancer. This therapy has immediate and sustainable results which often transform the person’s life quite dramatically. For those unable to come in for the treatments, this process can be done over the phone or via web conference, along with the use of the catalytic air sterilizing diffusers and medicinal formulas as well as the topical therapeutic compounds. This combination can create a natural healing response allowing the person to more effectively restore their health.

The treatments can be used in conjunction with other medical and alternative treatments for improved effectiveness.

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Children’s Health

The last two and a half decades has documented the rapid decline in the state of our children’s health. The statistics are disturbing and quite staggering. Twenty-five years ago every third child did not have some combination of ADD, dyslexia, anxiety disorder, severe allergies, headaches or insomnia. The average elementary school children were not on Ritalin or combinations of other multiple medications.

This subject infuriates me! We have treated so many young adults that come from the ‘Ritalin’ age, when every excited disruptive child in a classroom was drugged. Today, in their early thirties they report that after the first drug, came the need to offset the side effects with a second, third and up to six medications taken together. Some have reported to be on twelve medications everyday for the last twenty years; multiple anti-depressants at a time, combined with medications for sleep, some for anti-anxiety to offset the depression medications, migraine pills, allergy shots… This is a travesty.

There are many reasons the children of today have such an unhealthy existence and future. Of course, as I have already stated the over and drastically misused Ritalin which started the hormone imbalances, anxiety, depression, exhaustion and side effects causing the other prescribed drugs.

Then add electronics to the picture and you get a disturbance in the pineal gland in the brain. This gland is responsible for the secretion of melatonin, which regulates circadian rhythms, sleep cycles, hormone balance, auto-immune function and many other vital systems.

Throw in hundreds of thousands of new toxic chemical substances that are a part of their everyday life, plus the use of microwave ovens and water and foods being stored in sub-par plastics, which leech plasticizers into the food. These plastics alone are responsible for many cancers today because the plasticizers mimic estrogen and bind with the estrogen receptors on the cells, and so it goes…

Of course it doesn’t help that children don’t go outside and play anymore. They are on the computer, watching TV, playing video games, virtual games and texting. I am saddened to see the average second grader with a cell phone. This is doing significant damage to the brain. Studies around the globe show the harmful dangers of the developing brain near cell phones and electronics.

Chemical food additives are so toxic that many top neuroscientists say it is the first thing on the list that must be changed, unless we want to poison our children and ourselves to death. Many of these are neuro-toxins, they poison the brain and the neuronal activity. This is critical.

Now we have government mandated vaccines for things that have not been tested thoroughly enough to know what will happen to the young girls being forced to comply. Who is running our world? When we have sterile young women in ten years who cannot conceive due to these vaccines, it will be too late to take them off the market and say ‘we are sorry’, which happens too often today.

WE need to pay attention to what is being taken from us and forced upon us. We need to get our kids detoxified, protected from electronic smog and back at the dinner table with the family present, cell phone free.

The treatment regimes at Vital Frequency are gentle enough for newborn babies and are quickly effective with children. Every child needs a diffuser to deal with all the airborne contaminants, off-gassing from carpets, padding, paint, cleaning solutions and construction materials. I suggest at least a couple of full treatments to reset their delicate electrical systems to normal and calm their nervous system and strengthen their overtaxed endocrine system and brain.

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One of the many positive side effects of our treatments is improvements in cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure without the use of medication. The body knows how to repair itself and when we take some of the pressure off, it can and does. All of our treatments calm the nerves, detoxify the body and strengthen the systems.

There are so many things you can do where ever you are, to start improving your health without going crazy. It only takes a few simple changes to start the healing process. You don’t have to go overboard and try to change your whole life in one day. Besides, those types of changes are nearly impossible to maintain.

Just take one or two little changes at a time, and before you know it things will begin to change, looking and feeling so much better. I heard Zig Zigler talk about his decision to lose weight and get healthy. The first morning he ran one block. The second he ran one block and one mailbox…then two mailboxes until one day he ran a mile. He was able to make the change in an easy sustainable way.

Try it, choose a couple of little things that you know you can do and do them for three weeks. It only takes twenty one days to change a habit. Once those changes become a habit, add one or two more. Enjoy the process and make it something that you feel good about doing. The biggest mistake people make when trying to change lifestyle is that they choose impossible rigid changes. This makes the whole process a chore and a punishment instead of a joy and empowerment.

Think about things that will help you reduce stress, clean out the toxins and get your body moving.  Simple things like; drink several glasses of fresh water everyday. Eat just a little healthier, leave out the high fructose corn syrup and fried foods, bit by bit, until you are eating the way your grandparents did, your body will thank you for it. Take a walk around the block every morning or evening after dinner or dance to your favorite music while getting dressed. If you take your dog or your child to the park you accomplish three things, the exercise, the fresh air and sunshine and some bonding time. A relaxing soak in epsom salts to detoxify, while listening to relaxing music or a funny movie has the effects of a little mini vacation and it only costs a few cents. Just make sure it feels good…then it will last. Go for it, I believe in you!



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Chronic Fatigue

A Mysterious Epidemic- 20 million cases…Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and lupus

You can’t pick up a magazine, watch the news or walk through the checkout line without seeing something about these mystery diseases destroying the lives of 20 million Americans. Chronic fatigue, just like many other chronic conditions becomes a learned energetic habit pattern within the body circuitry. As with all chronic conditions, something caused the pattern in the first place. It could have been physical depletion from over work, stress and exhaustion or a physical, emotional or mental trauma. What maintains it is the body’s over protective reaction, triggering the ‘fight or flight’ response. This natural protection program is initiated at the first sign of real or perceived danger.

Once the ‘fight or flight’ response has been triggered, a multitude of biochemical actions takes place. First the blood leaves the fore-brain, switching to the reactive brain, making it hard to think clearly. A cascade of hormones is secreted allowing the body vast amounts of physical strength and speed to escape the danger. All body functions deemed unnecessary while escaping danger are shut down, transferring the vital resources to the arms to fight, the legs to run, the lungs to breathe deeply enough to do both and to scream loudly.

This means that digestion, sexual function, executive decision making and logic, immune function, kidney and pancreas function all shut down and the liver stops metabolizing fat because it must take over kidney function. Many of these systems are not automatically reset after the perceived danger is over, causing system-wide difficulties and weakness. After the body experiences this process multiple times, from continued stress, illness or ongoing trauma, it automates the reaction and it becomes an energetic habit pattern. Just like any habit, it is hard to change without deliberate focused action and intent.

A researcher at The Physician’s Institute in Dallas, Texas discovered an electromagnetic field technology that has shown to be effective for the treatment of long term fatigue, pain and chronic illness. Clinical trials conducted with chronic fatigue subjects, determines the treatment viable for the most resistant cases of long term conditions. The cases included patients with a minimum of fifteen years of chronic pain, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, bi-polar disorder and rheumatoid arthritis.

The treatment protocol emphasizes re-patterning the electrical signals influencing the spinal nerves, dermatome nerves, neuropeptide/receptor binding and stimulation of endorphins.

This ground-breaking work sets a new standard of care for pain and chronic illness. Doctors now have more options than opioids and surgery to treat their long term pain and chronically ill patients without the concern of over medication, harmful side effects or the risk of liability.


Recommended treatment options:  Biomagnetics, Pulse Diagnosis and Repair, Lightwave frequency stimulation or Pain relief formula.

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