You can’t pick up a magazine, watch the news or walk through the checkout line without seeing something about these mystery diseases destroying the lives of 20 million Americans.
A researcher at The Physician’s Institute in Dallas, Texas discovers an electromagnetic field technology that shows promise for the treatment of long term pain and chronic illness.
Clinical trials conducted with chronic pain subjects, determines the treatment viable for the most resistant cases of long term pain. Patients with histories of extensive surgeries, multiple medications, rhyzotomies, ganglion blocks, facet blocks and spinal stimulators were selected for this study. These patients were chosen by level and type of pain, severity of case, length of time in pain and number of previous failed modalities.
The cases included patients with a minimum of fifteen years of chronic pain, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, bi-polar disorder and rheumatoid arthritis.
One hundred percent of the patients experienced the eradication of pain within the first two hours. After eight weeks, fifty percent of the patients were medication free and the other fifty percent had a seventy-five percent reduction of medication. Typical side effects include increased energy levels, sharpened mental focus and clarity, restful sound sleep and overall feelings of well-being.
The study also followed cases of patients treated five years prior; including severe back pain, bulging discs, plantar fasciitis, depression, hormonal imbalance and insomnia. The results report the patients have remained pain and symptom free. The treatment is a drug free procedure which is gentle and noninvasive.
The treatment protocol emphasizes re-patterning the electrical signals influencing the spinal nerves, dermatome nerves, neuropeptide/receptor binding and stimulation of endorphins.
This ground-breaking work sets a new standard of care for pain and chronic illness. Doctors now have more options than opioids and surgery to treat their long term pain patients without the concern of over medication, harmful side effects or the risk of liability.
Fibromyalgia hurts all over. Little has been found in Western Medicine that helps with the dibilitating symptoms…until now. Fibromyalgia, as with other types of body pain, can be greatly reduced and usually eliminated by turning off pain triggers, restoring blood and oxygen flow and clearing blockages in the meridian flow patterns. Chronic pain is maintained by signals being sent through the body’s electrical systems. The nervous system, the meridians and the subconscious mind record everything you have ever experienced. So, chronic pain can be an energetic habit pattern.
Pain signals are maintained by several different systems in the body; spinal nerves, dermatomes (nerves in the skin), muscles, tendons, skeletal, the nervous system, the meridians, surrounding tissue and even in the cellular memory. By turning off the pain signals in each of these systems, the body learns the new pattern.
When we reset the new signal enough times (maybe 6-12 treatments) often less, the body forgets the old program and effortlessly runs the new one. It is just that simple. The treatments are gentle, painless, non-invasive, relaxing and most of all without, the use of drugs. They are gentle enough to be safe for young children and the elderly.
Recommended treatment options: Pain Free Drug Free treatment, Biomagnetics, Pulse Diagnosis and Repair, Lightwave frequency stimulation or Pain relief formula.
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