Chronic conditions, like panic disorder, must be addressed at the level of the body circuitry as well as the mind. The pattern originates in the subconscious brain. In recent years neuroscience has made some amazing new discoveries that change what we once knew to be true about how to effectively treat this disorder. We have perfected a treatment technology that repairs this condition quickly and painlessly.
In the past it was believed that emotionally charged experiences stimulated neurons in the brain via little pathways and synapses, all in close proximity to one another, only causing changes in the brain. However, what is now know to be true, is that at the exact moment that one feels this emotionally charged experience, the information is received throughout the body simultaneously on every cell, just like a wireless wifi signal.
This causes receptors on each cell to be stimulated by neuropeptides, which are little communication molecules that send the emotional signal to the receptor matching that emotional state. It’s like a key fitting into a lock. For each emotional state there are two to three hundred thousand receptors on the cell that match that emotion.
When a person experiences some type of trauma which causes the feeling of panic, they feel it in every cell. Also when one feels panic it triggers the ‘fight or flight’ response. This built-in protection system instantly mobilizes hundreds of changes in the body.
The logical brain shuts down as the blood leaves the frontal cortex, which is the executive thinking logical brain and the reactive brain, is immediately switch on. This is why it is so hard to think clearly when stressed. Then a cascade of hormones rushes through the body and initiates a sequence of energy transfers so the resources are directed where it is needed most.
Power surges of energy go to the arms so you can fight the legs so you can run and the lungs so you can have enough oxygen to do both and also scream very loudly. All of the body functions not needed during fight or flight shut down. Digestion, sexual function, auto-immune, kidney function slow or stop. The liver stops metabolizing fat because it has taken over kidney function, which is why so many gain weight during periods of high stress.
The bigger problem is the brain automates this information and anything that slightly resembles the perceived danger re-triggers this whole response. Also, when the real or perceived emergency is over the vital body systems do not always reset themselves, causing a number of additional health problems.
Once the brain has automated the response, also known as neural plasticity, it becomes an energetic habit pattern. At this point the only way to stop the recurrence is to systematically turn it off in the body circuitry and the subconscious mind.
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