These protocols were perfected in clinical trials with the most resistant cases of 20 year chronic pain, depression, bi-polar disorder, RSD, fibromyalgia and arthritis. The subjects experienced the eradication of symptoms within two hours and after eight weeks had reduced their medication by 70-90% with the expectation of becoming medication free after the safe weaning protocol.
Medications have been thought helpful in the past, because people believed it only worked only in the brain on very specific problem areas. However, this is incorrect. When a medication has an effect at all, it is because of these receptors on the surface of the cells. When stimulated, the information travels throughout the neural network affecting cells all throughout the body, thereby affecting many organs and systems in an adverse way.
Medication taken by a woman desiring to get pregnant, already pregnant or nursing should be done only as a last resort. It has been discovered that everything happening with both parents, up to three months prior to conception, affects the fetus. The cells generally live 120 days. Whatever is happening to the cells that will still be alive during conception will become a part of the cellular imprint of the fetus.
Our website offers so much information about the leading edge technology and how you can use it to improve the quality of your life, and giving options of drug-free treatments for the whole family that are more effective than traditional medications and invasive treatments.
We are dedicated to teaching doctors and practitioners all over the world in these new technologies, empowering them to offer their patients effective options to live happy, healthy, drug-free lives. Please feel free to contact us if you have questions that we can help answer. contact