News stations all over the US featured a cutting edge treatment that repairs the body at the cellular and electrical level. The effects were so remarkable that it was presented to the Texas Medical Association. Medical Researchers from Stanford University are reviewing it for improving the results in wound care for Diabetes.
Miraculous relief for many…
The treatment that gave such amazing relief flooded ABC news and programs across the country. According to one station’s IT department, it was the most hit video clip in the station’s history.
One Dallas business owner reports that years of extremely painful health problems, planter fasciitis, severe neck & back pain, depression and hormonal problems caused her to be out of work for up to eight weeks at a time. Then in March 2007 she found this treatment…it was the answer.
Within a few weeks she was completely pain free. Her planter fasciitis and back pain were gone. The hormonal symptoms of depression, hot flashes, mood swings, fatigue and insomnia ceased. Her skin cleared up and she lost weight! Now nearly 5 years later she is still pain free, drug free and feeling better than ever.
An executive in the music industry suffered with severe Bi-Polar disorder, ADD, depression, insomnia and hormonal problems for more than 25 years. After receiving this powerful treatment the symptoms began to disappear one by one. There was no longer a need for multiple medications. Deep restful sleep replaced the severe insomnia and strength returned. The severe migraines stopped. All hormonal imbalances repaired. This person is now medication free and living a happy healthy life. These changes began in January 2006.
A 73 year old man had a 30 year history of high blood pressure, unhealthy triglyceride & cholesterol counts, as well as severe knee pain. Having no cartilage in either knee, the pain was constant. He received treatment for a few weeks and used the topical pain formula (Migraine and Stress relief) on the areas of pain. Then he went on a vacation where he reportedly ate and drank his way through Cabo San Lucas.
Upon his return he had his yearly check up. His doctor called us requesting to know what we had done to him. The doctor reported that he first thought he had been reading the wrong charts because the tests showed complete normal blood work.
This patient confided that in the 25 years of being this doctor’s patient, each year his cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure reports got worse because the patient had refused to exercise and eat a healthy diet. Not only was his blood work normal after receiving treatments, but he also had no pain in his knees. He has remained pain free for the past five and a half years.
The treatments have tremendous success with most health problems because stress and toxicity are the leading causes of dis-ease, and this treatment reduces both significantly.
This gentle, painless and non-invasive treatment… is
safe for children and the elderly. A young child, 2 years old, was suffering with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis in her knees. Her parents reported that she cried daily with the pain in her knees. After hearing about the miraculous effects of the treatment her parents brought her in. They could not stand to see their baby in agony. She was treated for a few weeks and no longer had pain. Children respond very quickly to all of the treatment protocols. They have fewer learned energetic habit patterns so their bodies learn the new healthy patterns quickly.
Biomagnetics…New Breakthrough Treatment takes the country by storm. Fibromyalgia, chronic pain and bipolar disorder are no match for the restorative capabilities of the body when using this new technology.
This amazing new treatment uses the body’s built-in electromagnetic energy systems to make the repairs. By gently redirecting the frequencies, removing stress from the sympathetic nervous system, exciting cell receptor sites and stimulating cell oxygenation, the organs and systems naturally detoxify and repair.
These gentle non-invasive treatments can help you get the joy and vitality back in your life.
We have received multiple reports that the treatment is effective for a wide range of illness; ADD, dyslexia, blood pressure, cholesterol, depression, insomnia,arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, migraines, menopausal symptoms, Graves disease and weight loss. Utilizing the body’s electromagnetic frequencies to repair itself, it is gentle, painless and potent.
This multifaceted system works at the cellular level to balance and cleanse the organs and systems naturally. The effects are felt at the physical, mental and emotional levels. The comprehensive approach generates long lasting results by detoxifying the physical body, the mind and the emotions. This cellular level cleanse increases energy levels, strengthens immune function, restores mental clarity and focus, lifts depression, relieves pain, improves sleep and allows natural, safe fat loss when needed.
High success rates for patients tested in multiple categories; Before filing the patent for this system, several studies were done with patients from multiple profiles. These groups consisted of both male and female, all age groups including young children and the elderly, patients with complicated health issues, incurable diseases, and the genetic predispositions for severe health problems.
When following protocols properly, the patients in all categories had high success rates (less than 1% failure, due to the inability to sufficiently hydrate without intravenous therapy). These atypical results are possible because the system employs the body’s innate intelligence to orchestrate and manage the healing, thus eliminating human error.
Homeostasis allows the innate intelligence to address the most critical issues for each patient in the order of importance for that patient’s health needs and well-being without causing undue stress to the body. As each area of disease and imbalance is restored, the next level of healing is initiated until the body’s physical strength, emotional balance, mental clarity and vitality is restored.
Noteworthy documented success with the reversal of severe symptoms in cases of Graves disease (the one percentile group with the protrusion of the eyes, lesions on the legs and severe thyroid dysfunction), arthritis, hypertension, high cholesterol, back pain (caused by multiple fused discs and steel implants in the spine) and addiction to prescription pain medications and anti-depressants. Restored balance, healthy organs and strengthened immune function improves the overall health and well-being of the patient. This treatment allows the body the necessary resources to repair itself.
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