
Everyone Needs A Little Joy In Their Life!

Laughter – Refreshes, Uplifts & Inspires Happiness

Laughter is a clean, refreshing blend that is emotionally uplifting–it actually gives you a happy feeling. The compounds in this blend stimulate areas of the brain that help you lighten up and be happy. Many of these compounds have been used throughout history to combat depression. The potency of this formula makes it a great performance perfume. A-typical results in the areas of Bi-polar disorder and depression make this a staple for a balanced life. *Formula available in a topical therapeutic compound for the body and as a Fuel for the Catalytic diffuser.

Abundance – Welcomes Wealth, Harmony & Happiness

Abundance is a high frequency formulation that stimulates the pineal gland in the brain, which then inspires a high spiritual awareness. These compounds have been known for centuries as the “Holy Anointing Oils” in many cultures because of their profound effects. Historically some of the compounds in this blend were considered more valuable than gold. *Formula available in a topical therapeutic compound for the body and as a Fuel for the Catalytic diffuser.

Romance – Inspires Bliss, Romance and Confidence

Romance combines compounds known throughout history to be used as aphrodisiacs. This formulation is used to help balance the hormonal system of the body. The frequency of this formula stimulates both romantic love as well as self love. Many wear this formula as a performance perfume over the heart and on pulse points. The fragrant components are soft floral notes. *Formula available in a topical therapeutic compound for the body and as a Fuel for the Catalytic diffuser. …. .
The Therapeutic fuels are only for use with Lamp Aire Catalytic Diffusers.

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