Chronic Fatigue

A Mysterious Epidemic- 20 million cases…Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and lupus

You can’t pick up a magazine, watch the news or walk through the checkout line without seeing something about these mystery diseases destroying the lives of 20 million Americans. Chronic fatigue, just like many other chronic conditions becomes a learned energetic habit pattern within the body circuitry. As with all chronic conditions, something caused the pattern in the first place. It could have been physical depletion from over work, stress and exhaustion or a physical, emotional or mental trauma. What maintains it is the body’s over protective reaction, triggering the ‘fight or flight’ response. This natural protection program is initiated at the first sign of real or perceived danger.

Once the ‘fight or flight’ response has been triggered, a multitude of biochemical actions takes place. First the blood leaves the fore-brain, switching to the reactive brain, making it hard to think clearly. A cascade of hormones is secreted allowing the body vast amounts of physical strength and speed to escape the danger. All body functions deemed unnecessary while escaping danger are shut down, transferring the vital resources to the arms to fight, the legs to run, the lungs to breathe deeply enough to do both and to scream loudly.

This means that digestion, sexual function, executive decision making and logic, immune function, kidney and pancreas function all shut down and the liver stops metabolizing fat because it must take over kidney function. Many of these systems are not automatically reset after the perceived danger is over, causing system-wide difficulties and weakness. After the body experiences this process multiple times, from continued stress, illness or ongoing trauma, it automates the reaction and it becomes an energetic habit pattern. Just like any habit, it is hard to change without deliberate focused action and intent.

A researcher at The Physician’s Institute in Dallas, Texas discovered an electromagnetic field technology that has shown to be effective for the treatment of long term fatigue, pain and chronic illness. Clinical trials conducted with chronic fatigue subjects, determines the treatment viable for the most resistant cases of long term conditions. The cases included patients with a minimum of fifteen years of chronic pain, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, bi-polar disorder and rheumatoid arthritis.

The treatment protocol emphasizes re-patterning the electrical signals influencing the spinal nerves, dermatome nerves, neuropeptide/receptor binding and stimulation of endorphins.

This ground-breaking work sets a new standard of care for pain and chronic illness. Doctors now have more options than opioids and surgery to treat their long term pain and chronically ill patients without the concern of over medication, harmful side effects or the risk of liability.


Recommended treatment options:  Biomagnetics, Pulse Diagnosis and Repair, Lightwave frequency stimulation or Pain relief formula.

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