Brain Function

Many chronic health problems are actually caused by the brain’s function. The two categories of the brain the conscious and subconscious brain have very different functions and purposes. Recently, I heard a famous neuroscientist say that they have discovered the main function of the brain is to filter and repress unpleasant memories, so we don’t go crazy. In the work we do with one of my technologies called Biomolecular reformatting, we access the information stored in the unconscious or also called the subconscious mind. This part of the mind is responsible for all of the autonomic functions. It is also where memories are stored. The unconscious mind records everything you have ever experienced, even in the womb.

Until recently, this information was considered airy-fairy, woo-woo imagination. However, the discoveries in brain technology and neuroscience, has proven quite the opposite to be true. The advancements in the study of cell biology have come so far over the last three decades. Unfortunately, unless one studies this information it would not likely be the topic of discussion over the dinner table or in the boardroom.

We have just scratched the surface of the possibilities of using the mind to heal. Milton Erickson, a master hypnotherapist was known for his ‘miracle cures’ using hypnosis. Virginia Satir had unbelievable results with patients using advanced pacing and breathing rhythm techniques along with the manipulation of the mind. Richard Bandler is a master at hypnosis and he combined it with a new field he and his partner John Grinder later called neuro linguistic programming.  Studying with Bandler and Grinder in the early days I saw the results first hand. Their work has come light years into the future since then. I studied with one of Bandler’s top trainers several years ago and the work has catapulted to outrageous new levels. Doing my hypnosis and advanced level training with Igor Ledochowski and combining it with NLP was mind changing. I now know you can actually run your own brain and body.

One day in the not too distant future we will look back on this time and wonder why we didn’t see the miraculous healing that was possible just using our brains deliberately. I tell people everyday, “You can heal from anything at anytime no matter what the condition if you use your mind deliberately and effectively.”

Unconscious inner conflicts are at the heart of many chronic conditions and unhealthy life patterns. Because the brain records information, all the time, at every age, and then files it away in the files, we have multi-layered illogical problems that seem insurmountable. However, by using Biomolecular reformatting, we can access the original stored information and the time it was observed. This is very valuable information because it lets you see the thoughts and beliefs that are behind every in-congruent part of your life. If you want success and are failing, if you want health and are sick or you want love and are lonely, the answers are found stored neatly, innocently in the files right where you put them, just as soon as your brain made the observation…even if you were four years old.

The unconscious brain is a recording device which separates, sorts and files information. That is the reason that someone hit by a car who remembers nothing, can be hypnotized and be able to tell the license plate numbers and describe the shoe laces of the person who ran up to them afterwards. The brain is an amazing machine. However, when people try to resolve their in-congruent problems using the conscious logical thinking mind, they get nowhere. The information is not stored there. That is the reason so many people spend decades in therapy and barely see change and a person can use Biomolecular reformatting in a session, done long distance , over the phone and have immediate, long-term sustainable change.


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