
Many people with diabetes have found significant improvements in their health when using our treatments. One doctor who has been type 1 since age ten  is almost completely off insulin. He admits that he has not radically changed his diet or habits, proving that the change has come from doing the treatments. They have restored the physical, emotional and spiritual issues that caused the body to be overtaxed and begin to break down.

Making easy simple changes, a little at a time can begin to reverse all dis-ease and give your body a real boost toward becoming healthier, whatever your issues may be. Get a little more exercise, you don’t have to run in a marathon, just take a couple of short walks every day. You don’t have to live on green drinks and water, but add some lean protein, fresh vegetables and a few extra glasses of water everyday and see what happens. You will be amazed. You will start to feel better, have more energy and probably even sleep better.

Do some fun things that you enjoy. Read a good book, take your dog to the park, watch a great classic movie or anything that will take you out of the stressful, worrying, fretful mind chatter. We offer a full array of medicinal formulas that are 100% natural and can help to revitalize your body, mind and spirit. Magnesium deficiency is a big issue with diabetes, add this to your diet, it’s natural and you can’t get too much of it. Most people are deficient in magnesium today. Soaking in a tub with these salts will allow the body to absorb it through the skin. A relaxing soak is a very good thing to add to your lifestyle changes to improve your health, if you add epsom salts and our medicinal formulas to the tub, you can relax, detoxify and strengthen your body all at the same time, effortlessly.

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