Conflicting Thought/Contracts

The number one reason that people can’t keep their resolutions is internal conflicting contracts. It doesn’t matter if it is a “new year’s,”  “weight loss,” “quit smoking,” “find a better relationship” or “make more money” resolution, what stops them are their own internal and usually unconscious conflicts.

Here at The Physician’s Institute in Dallas, we teach five doctor and practitioner certification programs in chronic illness, long-term pain and emotionally debilitating conditions. We have treated thousands of “stuck”” people who were kept from success by internal beliefs, past decisions or things they were taught at an early age. Having developed eleven technologies in the health industry, we have observed that this issue is at the bottom of nearly every health problem; with 20 year chronic pain, anxiety and depression or just the inability to manage life, this internal conflict is always present.

We are beings of integrity and can’t go against our own belief systems. Many of these beliefs were formed at a young age while observing our parents and teachers. Since the frontal cortex, the executive logical thinking part of the brain does not fully develop until age 23-25 our brains make many illogical conclusions during the formative years. By the time a person is five or six they have learned the basic “rules of life” witnessed in their environment about love, success, money, happiness and guilt. I often ask people who come in for treatment if they wanted a four-year-old child to handle their 401K, run their business or choose their mate. Surprised by such a question they are shocked and amazed to see that what kept them stuck for so many years was an innocent observation made when they were young.

In a few treatments, people are able to re-write those old dysfunctional contracts. With electromagnetic field technology we retrain the brain and body’s electrical systems that maintain these programs.

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